
AMWAY Conference!!!

QuEenie on tis Pic... c the down there !!!
really many ppl

Ooo!!! there almost 16000~20000 ppl!!
is really!!
we wan to c tis pic at every saturday in church!!

tat mY leader n BoOn BOon!!
(queenie,shery n richard)

very Xin Fu LEy!!!
(shery n richard)

me n chui wen

tat day ! i so boring at there ! but once i thinking...if tat is our church member become like tat ! Tat IS great!!! N i feel...it must b happen !! then suddenly
beside me come out some sound... tat sound is like a pray! then i c beside me...
Tat is queenie n shery praying
my heart is warm... god touch me...then i hear god tell me

' tat must b happen,if u with me, u noe tat is wat i want to do,tat y i use every one with me,
if u with me,then u must believe it,
and then pray,juz like chui wen n shery,
pray as a pure heart...no matter who will looking u
juz pray with a pure heart ,tell me u believe it n u want tis happen, dun care others... just pray......'
then i start to pray wif them
n i believe , one day , our church will bcome like tat,
every one at there will pray together,worship together, bcoz of god!!! AmEN!!!
