

...i cant slp...
i sing a worship song at my bed ...
feel miss some body
n then feel emo...
mark not happy tonite
after play bball..after pray
i feel emo miss my old fren
haiz... they alone at jb, genting, sins yes sins!!
god ..pls teach me!!! help them!!!
my best fren still in sins!!
i sad...coz i didt contact him already more then 1 month
i feel dun like with him
but he is my best fren
even wat happen he still my best fren
god !!! save him!!!!!!!!!! plS!!!!!!
giv me a heart to love him like u love me !!!!!!
n my other fren she...
she bring me many memory
she hurt me many times
give her clean hand, give her pure heart bring her back into ur love

my old fren more then 7 years frenly n
he is face sad now

he is alone now
he in pain now
god .... pls!!!!!!
i m on my knees stay wif him!!!
god! help him!!!!
save he pain from heart
bring him back to ur house !god!!

hear my prayer !
break thier heart n make a pure heart from them
open up they eyes...
to the things unseen
rising up a new generation!
let ur love come to everyone
let us not lift our souls to another

let us walk from earth into eternity
i m make tis prayer...from jesus Name!

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匿名 说...

continue to surrender them to God's hands