
My SeCret PlaCe

For me ... my secret place is the place i love,enjoy and happy.
This place is only me n Him.I at the place very low for Him,very small for Him,
but His so love me,so care me.He can saw me every day ,every time.
His the one of the world most care me, know me and love me. The place down of him,
i feel so sweet,so happiness,so content.

This place is the secret only me and him know,the place only me with him,
the only one hiding place in my life. I love this place, and i love Him .......JESUS!!!

Every Saturday , i will come to this place with many people.

Last time i don't like church .I feel boring,don't like the people at there and
i think it is waste my time,but i cant find a place let me feel happiness.
Now!! i found it...
that place have many people and every one love me,
this place is full in love... ... That My church...
that not my secret place, but there is the door of secret place
When i open this door with the key of my heart,
i found my secret place!
And every saturday , i come to this place with many people,
we sing together and jump together for Glorified His name.
After that, we will ready our heart to listen what His tell us.
I love this place,bcoz this place fill up His love and i will listen
every thing he tell me.
Bcoz... He give me a secret place, send me his love.
He sacrifice redeem my soul, give me every thing wondeful and beautiful

Because Of Him... his cross...
i get this every thing...

That My Secret Place...

So... where your secret place???

You Find It already .......???

Ths God
i love u jesus!!!!!!!!!

1 条评论:

tCtunA 说...

wahhh not bad worr dis article...it sure can attract more non christian fren