
mark is die

atfer few month
finally i blogging again
realy change alot during tis few month

tat y mark is die,
but i renew
n now
actually sometimes i dun like to talk
mayb i juz wan cool down myself
i cant do like tis
bcoz ppl will thik me angry or emo
i noe im not
but i try to not show them my other face

i think too much
mayb no one will noe my feeling n my change

but i realy change le
my thinking
my dreaming
my vission

everything like move around in my life

some ppl
some hapen

wat to do ??

i may ask god
wat hapen????

mark like others ppl
some time i oso dunnoe
wat i m doing >?

but now
i noe tat

pray !
