
SWeet is never as sweet ...withour the sour

Sweet is never as sweet ...withour the sour
some people were born to sit by the a river

some is struck by liner
some have a air for music
some are artists
some swim

some know the buttons
some know shakespear
some are mommars
some people ... ... dance

Life isn't measured in minutes, but is moment

sometimes many word is around form us
some peoples tell u
some moment teach u
some act
some book
some of ur family

the word is around u
but no matter how many million times listen the words around your relation circle
u doesn't remeber it
b4 u u learn it from ur life
tat mean ur life must b happen on this few word

i don't know y i write it ( because u will never remember )
but i know u must learn it b4 the happen is come over u

if u really want to learn it
go n watch it

that vanilla sky will tell u about 'that every passing minute... is another change to turn it all around' and Sweet is never as sweet ...withour the sour

the curious case of benjamin button
this movie u can learn about life

don't think i m joking
i serious tell u that
movie is like show u the summary of some people life
when u watch it
juz like u taste it

movie is the great for experience
if u watch it with ur brain
at lease i think tat right

